Ann Stevens - Ambassadors’ trip to Mexico
Six members of staff and nine students, winners of an essay competition, from ISP schools in Spain and the UK were given a warm welcome when they took part in the first international exchange and travelled to visit two of the five Instituto Thomas Jefferson (ITJ) campuses in Mexico. Everyone stayed with host families and a programme of school, social and cultural visits was organised for the visiting group, the host students and staff. Highlights included taking part in the ITJ model united nations debates, watching the very professional musical production 'Hubo una Vez' created specifically for ITJ, attending lessons, visiting the anthropology museum, Chapultepec Castle, the Aztec pyramids, learning about the history and culture of Mexico and, of course, trying a variety of interesting foods from tacos to crickets.

For the students this opportunity to travel independently, to learn first hand about the customs and culture of a different country and to make new friends was an enriching experience and one our students are keen to repeat. In our multicultural world, developing international mindedness and understanding is the key to our education of successful global citizens of the future. Opportunities like these exchanges not only create wonderful memories but help to develop personal skills, such as communication, independence and problem solving, and broaden the horizons of everyone involved. For the staff, the opportunity to see some innovative approaches to learning, to work alongside our colleagues in another part of the world, share good practice and develop links has been an experience that has continued to have an impact well beyond the trip itself.
Staff and students from the ISP schools in Spain are looking forward to hosting the ambassadors from the five Thomas Jefferson Institutes in Mexico when they visit Europe in 2017.